Friday, February 3, 2012

Dubai First Impressions...

So, I was originally going to do a "first impressions" blog about our first impressions of Dubai.. but our shipment (and my computer) got held up at customs due to (get this) MUCINEX in our shipment, so the Dubai customs authorities decided it would be dangerous to bring this in, therefore stopped process completely!!  So now, first impressions is actually 6 weeks old impressions...... ugh

But, happy face now, we have our shipment (sans mucinex), our computer and now we can get up to date with communications and feel like we belong to a world beyond Dubai.  Thank goodness, because my thumbs were rubbed raw from Whatsapping with all my friends back home:)

We ARE getting settled, our place is on the manmade island Palm Jumeirah and it is beautiful.  We have our own beach, our own pool, high ceilings and couldn't ask for a prettier place to live in.  However, and that's a big however, since the house hasn't been lived in for 7 months all the water pipes have seen better days.  I've had to call after hours emergency maintenance twice due to broken water pipes and overflooding toilets.  Isabella didn't sleep in her room for a week because of the torrential leak out of her ceiling, which thankfully leaked right into her bathtub so I didn't have to come home to a flooded house, just to the sound of a rain shower inside of our house.  That, with the added odor emanating from our dear maintenance folks (of course all this happened when Mike was out of town), I was in a serious "what have we done moving here!" mode for a few days... but then things got fixed, I got my curtains ordered, I played tennis, found out I can actually buy liquor without a liquor license and I'm feeling very positive now!  Mike got to hear of all these water problems the day he went back to Houston for 10 days (after making sure we got moved in to our villa (fancy UAE name for house))... the day after he left my toilet overflooded, so I couldn't use my bathroom for 5 days till that got fixed, then my water heater broke so I didn't take a warm shower for 2 days.. during all this Mike is in Houston sleeping in our delicious bed, taking hot showers and using our own toilet, how dare he! :)

We, well I've met a bunch of ladies at the kids at school who are all so nice and always have great tips on where to get curtains, where to buy rugs, where to vacation, where not to vacation... I had to start making notes on my phone as people tell me things because between learning peoples names and kids names, and where to go and not to go, I feel like I'm back in school trying to study and absorb as much as possible.  By the evening when it was time to go to bed I'd be exhausted from information overload!

Today we went to an amazing Thai brunch at Thai Kitchen at the Grand Hyatt and it was amazing.  We sat for about 2.5 hours and were brought about 20 to 30 different small dishes where we got to try all sorts of different food...  Tonight we originally were going to go out with 3rd grade parents (an adult night out!) but it is a dry night so no alcohol is being served so we all decided to cancel haha!  So instead, we are going next door an having our own "wet" night hehehe.. so there!  Ok, have to go and enjoy the Dubai version of First Friday!!

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